Using WebResearch with Opera 10 / 9.x / 8.x
You can add the following WebResearch commands to the shortcut (right-click) menus in Opera:
- Save / Save As... Web Page
- Save / Save As... Image
- Save Linked Pages
- Save / Save As... Target
!! Important note for Opera 10.5 and 10.51 users:
Opera 10.50 and 10.51 introduced a bug that prevents the correct
execution of certain shortcut menu extensions, such as the WebResearch
commands. The problem no longer occurs in Opera 10.52.
Steps to integrate WebResearch with Opera:
- Open the file standard_menu.ini located in C:\Program
Files\Opera\ui in a text editor (in Opera 9.x/8.x, the file is located in
C:\Program Files\Opera\defaults instead).
- Download our standard_menu.ini
file and open it in a new editor window.
- Insert the WebResearch commands in the specified sections of the original Opera ini file.
Note: If you're using a 64-bit version of Windows
Vista or 7, replace the text C:\Program Files\WebResearch
with C:\Program Files (x86)\WebResearch for each
WebResearch command.
- After next startup of Opera, you will find the new commands in the shortcut menus.
Notes: When saving a Web page, the Opera cache will not be used,
and all content will be redownloaded from the Web. Cookies or passwords will be ignored.