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How to Repair MDAC

Step 1: Use the macropool MDAC Repair Tool

Our MDAC Repair Tool performs an analysis of the MDAC system components, suggests any missing updates, and repairs MDAC in most cases. See the demonstration with screenshots.

MDAC Analysis and Repair Tool
(This is not freeware!!! Please read the terms of use)

(Download - 333 KB)

Step 2: Restart Windows

Restart Windows. If the problem persists, proceed with step 3.

Step 3: Install MDAC and JET

Even if the repair tool did not suggest it, download and install MDAC and Jet. If you have still no luck, proceed with step 4.

Step 4: Check MDAC files

Note: The following steps are not applicable under Windows XP with Service Pack 2. When using Windows XP SP2, proceed as described here.

Microsoft offers the tool MDAC Component Checker, which you can use to verify the consistency of your MDAC installation.

  1. Download MDAC Component Checker
  2. After the download has finished, run the file cc_pkg.exe to uncompress the files into the folder C:\ComponentChecker.

  3. Select the first option, and then click OK.

  4. After a short analysis, you will see a report with helpful information. In particular, the MISMATCH section (see illustration below) indicates potential problems with your MDAC installation:


  5. Select the MISMATCH item. In the right pane, you can see the MDAC files that should be present in a different version on your computer. (The Component Checker compares the installed file versions with a list of versions that were delivered with MDAC 2.8.)

    The Mismatch Field column shows which version is expected for each file. The File Version column shows the actual installed version of each file.

  6. Since a regular installation of MDAC does not seem to help to resolve the mismatched file versions, you must manually copy the concerned files to the listed locations. Unpack the file mdacxpak.cab out of the package MDAC_TYP.exe in a temporary folder with WinZip.
  7. The file mdacxpak.cab can be unpacked with WinZip once more. It contains the most important MDAC files. Copy all these files to the folder as stated in the Path column.

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